1ERGO.ZIP 23,028 11-05-92 1ERGO - PC Comfort Utility - Ergonomics isthe science of comfort - choose yourfavorite combination of background andforeground colors $9.95 register forthis+other screen utilities.
24XWIN_1.ZIP 353,391 08-18-92 Diamond Speedstar 24x Ver 2.2 drivers. FromDiamond BBS. Part 1
24XWIN_2.ZIP 391,800 10-06-92 Diamond Speedstar 24x win31 drivers part 2. From Diamond BBS. Faster in 256 color modes.
2SCRNS20.ZIP 2,458 07-05-92 TwoScreens v2.0: TSR that can copy the textfrom the primary monitor to the secondarymonitor; color <==> mono; takes only 160resident bytes
3D_IMAGE.ZIP 1,472 03-28-92 Random Dot Stereogram -Basic Program CreatesA 3-Dimensional Image on Screen.
BARTEYE.ZIP 68,900 10-12-92 Bart Eyes II, Screen saver, mouse trackerNow with Sound
BGISNAP.ZIP 40,137 01-04-92 BGISnap, a tsr to capture graphicsinformation from the screen into a file thatcan later be read in from a program anddisplayed using Borland's BGI.
BLANK.ZIP 1,894 02-05-92 Resident program--blanks screen after 1.5 min
BLANK51B.ZIP 59,191 10-11-92 BLANK-IT v5.1B: TSR screen blanker thatsupports configurable timeouts & CGA, EGA,VGA displays; 10/11/92; Eric G. Robichaud/
BLANKS41.ZIP 57,572 01-01-92 BLANKs v4.10: configurable TSR screenblanker w/spt for MDA/CGA/EGA/VGA/Hercules;01/01/92 Francisco De Monasterio
BLIFE10P.ZIP 31,311 10-25-92 Big Life, version 1.0 SVGA Plus - 1024 x768. Same as Blife10 for 320 x 200. Testyour eyes and monitor. It works on most ofSVGA cards.
BUTTEST.ZIP 40,453 02-02-92 Graphical button and cursor program. Contain source code to a buttons unit andmouse unit and several different graphicalcursors. Turbo Pascal.
CASSM.ZIP 31,681 06-20-92 Graphical Screen Saver from CA Ware. Great! Includes many options. ANSI.SYS not req.
CCLS10.ZIP 10,526 05-27-92 Color Clear Screen v1.0: will clear yourscreen preserving the attributes; can alsobe used to set both the screen colors andthe screen mode; 05/27/92; Don Bradley/MoonBeam Solutions Inc.
CLRPRINT.ZIP 1,246 03-25-92 BASIC program to set foreground colors dif-ferent from background in graphics mode;
DS8514AI.ZIP 48,521 03-26-92 8514/A AI emulator for Diamond SpeedStarfamily video boards--from Diamond BBS.
DSTEALTH.ZIP 17,165 08-04-92 8.4.92 diamond vesa video drivers.
EGASAVE2.ZIP 2,321 10-05-92 Version 2.0 of this INCREDIBLY small screensaver. Uses .4k (no typo) of availablememory
EMODE.ZIP 0,965 02-26-92 Extended mode command for VGA ... Changeyour screen size among choices such as: 80 x25, 40, 80, or 94 columns with 25, 30, 34,43, 50, or 60 rows on screen! Just unzipand type EMODE (.com program) for usage. $10 shareware program from Switzerland.
EXPLO210.ZIP 272,271 10-02-92 Explosiv 2.10 is the one screen saver thataddresses all your DOS(R) and Microsoft(R)Windows(TM) computing needs. You'll find itboth entertaining and practical as beautifuldisplays save your computer screen fromharmful burn-in. Compatible on machinesrunning DOS 3.x and up, Windows 3.x and up,and PC networks. Explosiv now includes thecomplete set of displays in this file.
EXPLODE_.ZIP 11,413 08-02-92 Screen Saver that randomly places colorfulexplosions of different ascii letters andsymbols. Written by Paul Pattelena
EXPLOGO.ZIP 87,053 11-02-92 Explosiv Logo 1.0 allows you to create yourown DOS / Windows screen saver from any16-color GIF image. Requires VGA or EGA
EYEWASH1.ZIP 264,123 09-14-92 Eye*Wash Toys for your VGA Monitor Colorfulthings to keep Your VGA monitor happy whileU'r not workin' With An "Out to Lunch"display.
FANTASY_.ZIP 39,259 03-18-92 Fantasy Version 1.0 Fantasy is Kinda LikeDazzle. It Can be Used For A Screen·saverif You Want. You Need A VGA or BetterMoniter. I Recommend an 80286 With at Least16mhz. Have Fun With Fantasy!
FANV301.ZIP 73,564 08-14-92 Fantasy v3.01, last uncrippled versionAnimated VGA screen display program.
FNEWS902.ZIP 25,867 01-13-92 FidoNews 9 2 1992
FNTSVGA2.ZIP 11,802 02-08-92 VFONT contains and loads replacement fontsfor VGA systems. TSR. Comes with 2 fonts.
FSDEBUG1.ZIP 24,932 03-19-92 Full screen debugger, with docs fm help scrns
GRABB394.ZIP 136,926 02-04-92 2.4.92 update Grabber v3.94 - TSR screencapture. Handles any text, andCGA/Hercules/ EGA/VGA/and SVGA up to1024x768x256 Includes PCX/GIF/ASCII/ANSIconversion tools.
GRBTXT12.ZIP 9,233 08-25-92 GrabText v1.20 Mouse Cut-and-Paste TSRProgram that Allows You to Grab Text fromthe Screen
HAW.ZIP 100,721 03-17-92 Hard at Work; v1.2 - Generates screensgiving the apperance of important work inprogress. Seven different screens.
ILLUSI.ZIP 42,394 06-16-92 Collection of interesting optical illusionsto display on your screen
ILLUSION.ZIP 62,893 03-31-92 Presents modifiable illusions on your screen.
IMXADR.ZIP 11,787 04-10-92 Import Filter For Intermission 2.0+ toImport After Dark Modules Version 1.0 Thru2.0 Includes Sound Support!
ITALK10.ZIP 27,247 04-05-92 "I talk, yes I do!" a talking screenblanker, displays a pair of roving eyes. Ifanyone tampers with your keyboard, it talksback to them via the PC's speaker
JSCRL195.ZIP 7,420 04-04-92 8K scrollback TSR for all text modes and EMSJSCROLL v1.95 by Jeffrey Chasen
KALEID.ZIP 10,030 04-17-92 Kaleidoscope with soundblaster support.
KAMSAVE1.ZIP 46,329 03-25-92 Colorful screen display for VGA can be usedas a screen saver if you start it up beforeleaving your monitor idle
LASERGRA.ZIP 1,342 03-23-92 Graphics displayed on screen. VGA required. No docs.: 03-23-1992.
LCD.ZIP 2,470 06-20-92 A small program that will send big LCD likenumbers to your screen, can use in batchfiles
LDOG114.ZIP 317,446 09-29-92 Laughing Dog screen maker v1.14 <asp> - ibmtext-mode screen designer w/mouse interface. Design screens as easy as Point, Click,.
LJVGA152.ZIP 22,729 06-08-92 LJVGA v1.52; 6K TSR utility to print all VGAand SVGA screens on HP LaserJet compatibleprinter; handles all BIOS supported graphicsand text modes.
LOX10.ZIP 86,421 10-18-92 Locking screen saver with passwordprotection. Keep prying eyes and fingersaway from your data.
LOX11.ZIP 87,555 11-05-92 LOX is a screen saver that takes a verydifferent approach. First, it provides apassword "lock". Second, the password canchange every time you use it. Third, it'snot a TSR which monitors keyboard (or mouse)activity. Instead, it's executed MANUALLYon the DOS command line.
LP_DOS.ZIP 367,137 09-10-92 Screen en-larger for Dos, Windows Apps. This program enlarges the screen prinout forvisually impaired users This is the DEMOVersion.
LQVGA170.ZIP 25,861 08-23-92 LQVGA v1.70: TSR that allows you to printany VGA or SuperVGA screen to an Epson,Canon Bubble Jet, IBM Graphics orcompatible; w/a memory overhead of only 18Kyou can print anything you can display onyour VGA card;
LUVCLOCK.ZIP 38,874 09-10-92 A beating heart clock for your vga monitor
LVPROMPT.ZIP 1,163 02-04-92 That prompt you've all been waiting for!
MAGIC140.ZIP 45,746 03-06-92 Latest upgrade to Magic Screen Saver forWindows! Feel free to evaluate for 15 daysfor free. If you like it, send us $25, andwe'll send you the latest version of Magic,Installer, and manual. The version youreceive will not ask for the shareware feeas the evaluation version does. Enjoy!! This is a very popular program.
MONMODE.ZIP 44,991 06-30-92 Check your monitors' display modes.
MOUSEKB.ZIP 5,028 08-29-92 Move cursor with mouse in any program. Evennon mouse supporting.
MSSLITE.ZIP 8,525 05-31-92 A stripped down version of the MSS Screensaver - the .EXE is only 10K in size.
NEWART.ZIP 32,620 01-07-92 Contains a new extended ANSI character set:$17 from Rexxcom Systems Files: 18 Oldest: 11/17/90 Newest: 1/7/92
NNANS192.ZIP 67,661 02-04-92 NNANSI.COM, device driver replacement forANSI.SYS for EGA/VGA systems. Dramticallyspeeds up text screen writes and allowscontrol over keyboard functions not allowedin ANSI.SYS.
PCXDMP60.ZIP 223,319 09-07-92 SR to dump EGA, (S)VGA screens to PCX-filesPCX Dump 6.0 uses less than 11K as a TSR &Can capture SVGA screens for most SVGA cards.
POLYBONK.ZIP 40,822 04-21-92 POLYGON BONKERS v1.0 screen saver that sendssimple polygons whizzing about the screenbehind a moving background grid. For286/386/486 systems with EGA and up.
POSIT.ARC 2,857 09-12-92 Post subliminal messages to screen. Aid forsmokers. MASM 5.0 code. from CIS
QRULER.ZIP 12,047 10-19-92 TSR That Shows The X And Y Coordinates ofThe Cursor.
REDVIEW3.ZIP 6,732 08-24-92 TSR shows on screen info that has beenredirected to a file. W/ASM source. 8/24/92.
SBK230.ZIP 19,190 04-20-92 SCROLLBK v2.30 - captures screen info thathas rolled off the top and buffers it intoconventional or expanded memory buffer. Supports graphics cards/80 col text modesFrom the ExtraDOS Toolbox (tm)
SCR112.ZIP 20,214 09-10-92 ScrnAttr 1.12 03/29/92 SCNATTR allows you toset the foreground, background and bordercolors of your monitor. Shareware
SCRIBBLE.ZIP 27,486 02-15-92 Scribbles on your VGA Screen. $2Registration
SCRNCHRT.ZIP 19,519 04-17-92 Chart to format screen output for programs.
SCRNSHO2.ZIP 48,964 02-13-92 ScreenShow ver 2.0, screen capture anddisplay for most text and graphics modes;captured screens can now be saved as PCXfiles for easy import into other applics;$25 from Alan Fridlund
SCR_COLR.ZIP 10,875 08-25-92 Screen.Com and Color.Com from PaceSoft Setbackground and text screen colors.
SCSV50.ZIP 97,090 03-30-92 Screen Saver v5.0: screen blanker & securitysoftware for MDA/CGA/EGA/MCGA/VGA monitors;supports DESQview, but not Windows; featurespassive lock, on-demand screen blanking viauser selectible hot-key or batch program;option allows mouse activitiy to reset idletimer; 03/30/92; Tom R. Donnelly.
SETVESA.ZIP 228,767 06-30-92 Set VESA on many video boards
SETVGA.ZIP 21,769 04-09-92 Set VGA/EGA/CGA/Mono Line Mode
SHOME282.ZIP 127,182 08-24-92 ShowMe Screen Saver v2.82 Protects screenfrom burn in Protects screen from burn in.
SMALLCUR.ZIP 3,168 10-04-92 Get Rid of That Annoying Large Cursor.
SNIPPR25.ZIP 18,702 08-17-92 Snipper V2.5 - TSR Screen Capture Utility.
SNIPPR26.ZIP 20,894 10-20-92 Snipper v2.6 - PC Magazine cut & pasteutility. Uses only 4k memory and easy toselect all or a portion of the screen forsaving to a buffer and file. Excellentprogram!
SSAVE.ZIP 26,326 01-22-92 Screen Saver - w/lots of color
STICKS10.ZIP 5,476 01-23-92 8K TSR screen saver with kaleidoscopegraphics display, for EGA/VGA; $15 from WmHause
STIME.ZIP 4,511 09-07-92 Simply Give the Time / date withoutprompting you new date/time. Display week'sday
STROBE.ZIP 3,194 01-30-92 Turn Your VGA Monitor Into A Strobe Lite.
TATRHEAD.ZIP 23,233 05-18-92 Neato Mr. Potato Head program! Make Mr. Potato heads on the screen (eyes blink andeverything!).
TDSP11.ZIP 81,289 01-22-92 TDisplay is a customizable utility whichcreates self-displaying ASCII text files. Run TDisplay on a text file to create an.EXE file. Type name to display. Printfile with hot-key. User controls thefollowing: background color, up to 4 textcolors per file, border type (or none),margins.
TICKER1.ZIP 23,723 03-22-92 Turn your screen prompt line into a verycute "ticker tape" - you supply the info --can make your message up to 25 lines long. Will run/rerun continuously. Suprise aco-workker with a running greeting!
TIMKEEP2.ZIP 47,435 07-13-92 Make your computer into an attractivefullscreen digital clock with large blockletters, musical tones on the quarter-hour,and colorful abstract graphics display,requires EGA/VGA
TITLE.ZIP 21,737 09-19-92 Make an animated VGA title screen, can beused with batch files. Req's VGA
TSHOT21.ZIP 26,532 08-31-92 Textshot v2.1 - TSR text screen counterpartto ZSoft's FRIEZE - screen output to variousDTP/word processor formats via hot keys...
TSNGVESA.ZIP 3,321 03-11-92 Tseng 4000 VESA Driver
TSUTLD20.ZIP 84,364 09-13-92 The latest of Prof. Timo Salmi's handyutilities. Includes cursor adjusting pgm &various other screen and keyboard utilities.
TTALK120.ZIP 337,123 08-05-92 Screen reader for the blind, supports manysound boards
TV.ZIP 34,504 02-05-92 Table to set up your screen. Freeware
UTILACC.ZIP 181,741 06-30-92 Utilities for the ATI Graphics Ultra fro ATI.
UV_SW20.ZIP 2,505 03-31-92 UV_Switch v2.0: tiny TSR that switches to &from 80X25 mode to address the problem ofUltraVision extra-column screens not beingcompatible w/some pgms and w/most TSR popups
VCLOCK.ZIP 28,586 02-02-92 VGA analog clock, set time/date.
VGAEGA.ZIP 17,947 08-13-92 VGA 25-50 lines and EGA 25-43 lines.ASM sourc
VGASVR12.ZIP 30,157 06-24-92 VGA Saver, tiny 1K TSR blanks VGA and SuperVGA screens at specifiable interval, checksfor both keyboard and mouse activity, bySeth Comstock
VGA_SX4.ZIP 214,250 03-28-92 Graphics display VGA done with AutoDesk Prosound by ZZTOP needs soundb
VINSTALL.ZIP 93,911 06-30-92 6.30 version of ATI's video utilities forconfiguring the VGA Wonder XL graphicsadapter.
VIZ422.ZIP 71,736 01-01-92 VIz v4.22: small TSR that accelerates BIOS(and DOS) video input/output in text mode;can be used w/MDA, EGA or VGA adapter cardsand Hercules HGC and HGC+ cards, with cursorcontrol; 01/01/92; Francisco De Monasterio
VMODE50.ZIP 13,961 04-19-92 VMODE 5.0 - Valuable utility for those withDiamond Speedstar cards.
VMOIRE17.ZIP 26,104 03-19-92 Vmoire1.7 - VGA screen saver supportsgraphics modes, blank on demand, and more. Version 1.7 can monitor COM ports as well. No source here, though. And QEMM hates it.
WCURVE.ZIP 46,829 07-18-92 Non-TSR screen saver based on W-Curve.
XTEALEAF.EXE 82,115 01-02-92 Tealeaf <tm> - Just for fun. Draws neverending patters on your VGA screen. Fingerpaint option for the kids... Gene WoodsPE/EE